Our Mission is to ensure that the Democratic values of Justice, Inclusion and Meritocracy (JIM) prevail and prosper in Mauritius.
Our #JIM values of Justice, Inclusion and Meritocracy have lead us to a path of service solely devoted to public interest, as the political course back home was being engulfed by a cold pragmatism as many public servants were forgetting that they were the servants to the people, and not the other way around.
MGD deals in ideals and pragmatism on a daily basis as we allow ourselves the space to dream of a better tomorrow, while remaining ever so aware of the realities endured by our people, the Mauritian people. We have dared to confront our ideas to the reality of a reduced Democratic space and work tirelessly to identify opportunities offered by circumstances and of our own doing to share knowledge and enable Mauritian and Diasporic civil societies to carve a space for the representation of those that suffer from a lack of Justice, Inclusion and Meritocracy.
As Mauritians from diverse backgrounds, our coming together to build a platform of democratic expression within in a safe and welcoming environment is symbolic on so many levels. This Global Citizen Collaboration (GCC) is a pioneering enterprise that seeks to anticipate, rather than react to the fifth industrial revolution, the imminence of which has been accelerated by a global pandemic. The unprecedented breakdown of has borders has propelled us into a digital era which urges Citizen action to shift from traditional organisational strategies to more agile and efficient ones.
The 21st Century will be the century of the Citizen as he is presented with an unprecedented opportunity to level the battlefield for social JUSTICE, around the globe and in Mauritius where too many have lost their lives in events of targeted political violence. We strive for a more humane governance by promoting accessibility through technology and the forging of Global Citizen Collaborations (GCCs) for Local actions.
The success of our past projects had the effect of dispelling doubts about the ability, if ever there was any, of a small group of good-willed citizens, barely resourced and scattered across the globe, to carry out projects outside traditional channels by bringing to the table ALL Mauritians as we pursue our value of INCLUSION.
Along with the professionals who accompany us, we offer our experience to the younger generation or those with less experience as a guide to carry out projects so we fulfill the aspect of our mission concerned with MERITOCRACY, as we strongly believe that the progress in Mauritian society is being stalled by a system that rewards proximity to power, rather than merit.
Our platform of Advocacy and Knowledge sharing between Mauritians will contribute to Democratic advancements by enriching our national knowledge database, our only hope to survive the flood of disinformation thrown at us by people guided by hate or ignorance, or both. To overcome the current lack of dialogue, MGD has deployed an empowerment and mentoring platform for young and old who have ideas, but may lack the confidence to take initiatives, or who would like to do something for their country but remain unsure of where to start, or those who have projects and would like to connect with similar minded people.
Level the political battlefield for social JUSTICE, around the globe and in Mauritius. We strive for a more humane governance by promoting accessibility through technology and the forging of Global Citizen Collaborations (GCCs) for Local actions.
We are a group of good-willed citizens, scattered across the globe, carrying out projects outside traditional channels by bringing to the table ALL Mauritians as we pursue our value of INCLUSIVITY.
We offer our experience and network as support to carry out Citizen projects so we fulfill the aspect of our mission concerned with MERITOCRACY, as we strongly believe that the progress in Mauritian society is being stalled by a system that rewards proximity to power, rather than merit.
- We voice out against corruption and anti-democratic trends
- We organise demonstrations globally for Social Justice
- We advocate for Mauritians of the Diaspora to be included in the affairs of Mauritius
- We gather on our media experts to share knowledge about current issues
- We produce media to vulgarise and disseminate specialist knowledge
- We organise networks of Mauritians at home and from the Diaspora to establish collaborations